
Gift ideas for Christmas

By Patricia Durocher • 10 December 2024

Don’t know what to get your pet or an animal-loving friend for Christmas? Here are some ideas that might inspire you:

For a human who loves animals:

  • Our calendar : $15 + taxes (all funds go to our animals)

To get it, you can come directly to the shelter (1470 rue de Coulomb in Boucherville) or call us so that we can send it to you by post 450-655-2525 ext. 0

  • The Humanimo Foundation book : Your dog talks to you, learn to understand him

A good way to educate your children on how to behave around a dog. More information here

  • Dog or cat training classes : a great idea for someone who is having trouble with their pet or who simply wants to train them the right way. Many classes and workshops exist depending on the needs: kindergarten classes, classes for teenagers, separation anxiety workshops, reactivity workshops, online training, etc.

Do not hesitate to consult the companies De Main de Maître for dogs and Éduchateur for cats, or AZCA for both.

  • A donation in someone’s name : instead of an object that will gather dust, why not choose to help an organization in the name of a loved one? The effect is much more rewarding in the end and you will have helped a good cause.

If you want to choose our shelter for this idea, contact us .

  • An adoption kit : you know that your friend is planning to adopt an animal soon? Why not offer him the necessary, it will save time and money. Be One Breed now offers its famous seasonal Goody Pack with several surprises inside!

For an animal:

  • A bowl or interactive toy: there are several that allow your pet to work to eat. An excellent mental exercise that will promote your companion’s energy expenditure while offering him a great activity for thinking and problem solving.

Stimulo Bowl – Aikiou
Intellikatt – BeOneBreed
Kong toy








  • Cat Toys: Offer a kit of several different toys but always include a cat teaser and play with your pet using this method (to satisfy their hunting instincts)

  • Supplies of all kinds: a water fountain, a cat tree, a new bed, a new collar, etc.

Katt3 – BeOneBreed Bow ties – Zoe&Lulu Pet boutique









  • Dental treats
  • The right dog harness: much more comfortable while walking your dog than a simple collar. Several styles and attachments are possible, but we prefer the front attachment for dogs that tend to pull. Several brands offer them: Ruffwear, Easywalk, Julius K9, Kurgo, Balance Harness…
  • A coat for dogs or small animals
  • A beautiful original enclosure for small animals:

Happy shopping!! 🙂


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