
What to do? Have you lost your pet?

By Dorothée Pâris Pasturel • 19 April 2023

Losing a pet is a stressful experience for both you and your animal.

We want to help you find your pet as soon as possible!

  1. Walk around your neighbourhood with a bag of snacks or one of your pet’s favourite toys. Call your pet by name. Ask your neighbours if they’ve seen it recently.
  2. Call your municipality’s public services team: they will be able to put you in touch with the shelter in charge of your municipality’s animal control service. Call the shelter and provide a detailed description of your pet and a photo. View the list of shelters.
  3. Make colourful posters with a full description of your pet (colour, sex, identification, etc.), a photo, the date and the place where the animal went missing, and your contact information. Put your poster up on mailboxes, on bus shelters, in businesses and pet shops, at veterinary clinics and around your neighbourhood.
  4. Report your pet’s disappearance on websites that specialize in lost and found animals like Petluck.ca, as well as on Kijiji. You can also post on your municipality’s Facebook page, using the Spotted app.
  5. Put your poster on your Facebook page to ensure maximum visibility.
  6. Make regular rounds of your neighbourhood. Cats usually hide out near their owner’s home.
  7. Don’t give up: sometimes pets are found weeks or even months after they go missing.
  8. Go searching at nighttime using a flashlight. Cat’s eyes shine in the dark when a light is shone on them, and shy animals may wait until dark to come out of hiding.

Si vous résidez dans l’un de nos territoires desservis, veuillez aviser Proanima de la disparition de votre animal au 450-655-2525 poste 0 ou à info@proanima.com.

Nous vous invitons aussi à consulter chaque jour notre album où sont affichées les photos des animaux errants recueillis par le refuge.

Good luck with your search!

How to Prevent Your Pet from Going Missing

  1. Stérilisez votre animal! Un animal stérilisé aura beaucoup moins tendance à fuir puisqu’il aura perdu l’envie de se reproduire.
  2. Identifiez votre animal à l’aide d’une médaille et d’une micropuce. Si cela ne prévient pas une fugue, l’identification facilite le retraçage du propriétaire d’un animal retrouvé par des citoyens ou un refuge. Chez Proanima, nous retrouvons 100% des familles des animaux identifiés!
  3. Keep a close eye on your pet when taking it outside. An animal may be distracted by another animal, a scent or a toy outside your property. If you keep a close eye on your pet, you will be able to call it back promptly if it looks like it’s about to wander off. If your dog tends to roam, it might be because it’s bored alone at home. Taking Fido on regular outings will head off a lot of problems!
  4. Make sure your yard is secure. For your furry friend, a door left ajar, a broken fence or a big hole in your hedge can be enticing invitations to new adventures!
  5. Practise calling your pet back. Some pets like to do disappearing acts and aren’t crazy about being called back. By using a leash and a reward, you can condition your pet to respond to a repeated word like “home,” “back,” etc.


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