Become a partner

Are you a company and want to make a difference for the animal cause? Contact us for sponsorship opportunities.

Bouledogue francais avec un chandail qui regarde la caméra
Un chien noir et blanc souriant regarde la caméra
Petit cochon d'inde brun et blanc qui est sur un bureau de travail en avant d'un laptop
Lapin gris sur un divan à la maison

Our current partners

Join us as a partner with Proanima and together make a difference for the welfare of animals. By supporting our cause you participate in the contribution to promote animal welfare and take a stand against animal cruelty. See our Sponsorship Plan to discover how you can become an esteemed partner in this vital mission.

1st Choice Nutrition
Thank you to First Choice who generously feed all the cats and dogs at the shelter.
Thank you to Mondou for financing our dental equipment.
Banque Desjardins
Thank you to Desjardin who finance our School Educational Awareness Program.
Golden adult lying on her master's bed while she works


Help our Animals

Your financial aid is indispensable, this is especially true during our present global predicaments. We aspire to continue our mission for the well-being of animals and their humans. For this to happen, we need you.